Casual Day b’riżq l-Istrina – Casual Day in aid of L-istrina

Il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Diċembru 2021 se norganizzaw Casual Day b’riżq L-Istrina, il-kampanja għal ġbir ta’ fondi għall-Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. Dak inhar it-tfal jistgħu jiġu mingħajr l-uniformi u huma mistiedna jġibu donazzjoni ta’ €1 jew iktar biex titpoġġa fil-karusijiet li għandna l-iskola. Inħeġġukom tagħtu d-donazzjoni tagħkom sabiex ngħinu nies inqas ixxurtjati minna.

On Friday 3rd December 2021 we will be organising a Casual Day in aid of L-Istrina, a fund raising campaign in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. On that day the children may come in casual clothes and are encouraged to bring €1 or more to put in the money boxes we have at school. We encourage you to give you donation and help people in need.

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